Highly automated process for innovative and performing structural elements. Our precast concrete production guarantees superior advantages in terms of flexibility, deadlines and quality control over the whole supply chain.


MC Prefabbricati historic headquarters, hosting the daily work of consultants, designers and construction professionals. It is the place where our most prized systems are born such as our famous V-shaped roof beam: an excellent building system and the most favored by our customers.

Since 1970 Cardano production unit has worked tirelessly alongside renown professionals always looking to market demands. Covering more than 60,000 m² it is the core of MC Prefabbricati Group.


Cutting-edge processes and highly automated manufacturing techniques integrated with the latest technology. Our company's innovative thrust stood out both in Italy and abroad, fostering the interest of many a internationally renowned company. This facility combines our company's professionalism and expertise with the latest available technology in the market of cladding and precast structures production.

Bellinzago Novarese production unit covers an area of almost 120,000 m² and it is a flagship in the industrialized building trade. It represents the fulfillment of a long quest for rationality and efficiency and a leap forward towards excellence.